Some of my most treasured moments are the conversations I have with the boys — and the ones they have with each other. When Ezra was just learning to talk, someone wise advised me to write down the funny little things he said. This has been one of the best pieces of advice I’ve received as a parent and one I’d like to pass on to you. It’s never too late to start.
In fact, I’m cooking up a special project that hopefully will inspire more of you to capture your little ones’ sweetest, funniest and (in our case at least) nuttiest expressions.
I often share my chats with the boys on my personal Facebook feed, to the amusement of friends and family. Here are a few of my favourite ‘out of the mouths of Babes’ treasured moments:
On girls at school
After visiting a boys’ secondary school that we loved, I was discussing how often girls outperform boys at school.
Ezra: ‘That’s sexist, Mum’.
Me: ‘I’m not being sexist, these are stats.’
Ezra: ‘You’re basically saying girls are smarter than boys.’
Me: ‘No, that’s not what I’m saying. I think it’s because the way schools are set up is better suited to the way girls learn and behave. Boys tend to be more physical, and are sometimes quite restless in the classroom. Girls tend to be better at sitting still, paying attention, doing what they’re told.’
Ezra: (shaking his head vigorously) ‘You must not know the girls in my class. They’re the complete opposite of what you’re talking about now. Those girls are like caged animals!’
On judges
Ezra: ‘Why do judges wear those silly wigs on their head?’
Dad: ‘What kind of wig wouldn’t be silly?’
Ezra: ‘I think they should wear Afro wigs. They’d look funky!’
On cats
Ezra: ‘It’s funny, cats are sort of like teenagers. They just leave the house whenever they want. They’re literally like, ‘Yo, I’m just going to my friend’s house, see ya!’
On the US elections
Ezra: ‘Hillary Clinton’s going to be the next president.’
Jed: *blank stare*
Jed: ‘Kofi Kingston’s going to be president?’
Ezra: ‘Kofi Kingston’s a WWE superstar, what are you on about? This kid!’
On video games
Ezra: ‘You know video games can actually be good for you.’
Jed: ‘Wii Fit.’
Ezra: ‘No not Wii Fit, that just makes you sweaty.’
On the salad he made at school
Jed (correcting Ezra): ‘Yes it does have rockets in it.’
On heaven
Jed: ‘Mum why are you crying?’
Me: Because I miss my mummy.
Jed: (cuddles me) ‘Don’t worry, we will see her up there’ (points skywards).
Me: *cuddles him tight*
Jed: ‘And we will also see Ultimate Warrior. One of my favourite wrestlers.’
On Michael Gove (circa 2013)
Ezra: ‘Do you know Mr Gove?’
Me: ‘The Education Secretary?’
Ezra: ‘Yeah him. I completely do not agree with what he’s saying. Not at all. School for 10 hours? No way. That is never gonna happen. If I was Mayor I’d say, sorry Mr Gove. Forget it. I mean, can you imagine school for 10 hours? That means school will end at bedtime!’
On Jed
Ezra: ‘It’s much more fun being half maniac and half normal like me. I’d say Jed is three quarters maniac.’
On men vs women
Jed: (reading from a toilet sign) ‘Men to the left because women are always right?’ (frowns) ‘That’s not fair. Men are right sometimes. Men are funnier anyway.’
On Papa Monkey
Me: ‘Daddy was born in the Year of the Monkey.’
Ezra: ‘That makes sense because he’s very cheeky.’
Jed: ‘And he eats a lot of bananas!’
Whenever I read back on their ‘quotes’ book, I’m filled with giggles and occasionally tears of nostalgia. Our cheeky monkeys are growing up way too fast for my liking. So I blog and I snap and I jot down every conversation that makes me smile. Time goes on but these moments belong to us forever.
**Win a copy of THREE LITTLE MONKEYS by Quentin Blake and Emma Chichester Clark**
What are your most treasured moments with your children? HarperCollins are giving away a priceless picture book, Three Little Monkeys, personally SIGNED by Sir Quentin Blake and Emma Chichester Clark! This gorgeous collector’s item will make an ideal gift for Christmas or any special occasion. Simply visit their Facebook page HERE and share your most #treasuredmoments with your little monkeys.
Collaboration with HarperCollins and Mothers & Shakers
Beautiful reflections and great project idea. The book looks like a real keeper – great gift idea, too.
‘midget family’ has entered our family’s vernacular as well now!
My favourite Jake quote….
me – Jake, do you know you can be anything you want to be when you grow up?
Jake – really? (looks a bit unsure)
me – yes of course, if you set your mind to it and work hard you can be whatever you want
Jake – what, even a dog?
Hahaha that is hilarious, love the way Jake’s mind works! x
It’s so much fun to record these moments, and I LOVE the look of the Three Little Monkeys book… hoping to nab a signed copy myself one day! :-)
Those boys are the sweetest, most caring and funny kids ever. Ezra and Jed need to run this country and get judges in afros. Their love for WWF reminds me of my brother’s obsession as a kid. Aw, I love them so much! x
Haha the judges in Afros is such a funny image, think it would be a great idea maybe for Comic Relief ;-) x
I am melting here! Love all the quotes, such fab treasured moments!