Women are a complicated bunch. We keep our feelings knotted up inside, expect our partners to read our minds, and get in a right old state when things would be so much easier if we opened up from the start. Or maybe that’s just me!
But when it comes to life-changing decisions, you have to SPELL IT OUT.
So let’s talk about organ donation. Have you considered it? And if so, have you shared this with your loved ones?
I used to carry a signed organ donor card around in a wallet I’ve long since lost, and I never really got around to filling in another one. Now as the mother of two young children, it’s essential to discuss my wishes with my husband and kids, and explain why I think it’s important.
Did You Know? — Just 45% of families agree to organ donation going ahead if they are unaware of their loved one’s decision to be a donor but this figure rises to 95% when they know the decision
I’m one of several bloggers supporting National Transplant Week. This year’s campaign is asking people to #SpellitOut so that their next of kin aren’t left with the burden of deciding whether or not to donate their organs when asked for permission.
Bloggers were asked to spell out their decision to be donors and we were each given a letter to make one statement: I Want to Be an Organ Donor.
My letter is the last link in the chain but you can follow the #SpellitOut hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to read all the posts.
R is for Recycle
We don’t think twice about recycling to help the planet, so why not spare a thought for how recycling a part of your body you no longer need could completely transform somebody else’s life?
R is for Revive
One in 3 people die every day for want of a vital organ. It takes less than 3 minutes to help change that by signing up to the National Organ Donor Register. It’s that simple.
R is for Remember
Remember to tell the people who matter to you that you would like your organs to matter to somebody else. Giving the gift of life to a stranger, or even a family member in need, is a beautiful way to be remembered.
And lastly, R is for Register: visit transplantweek.co.uk or call 0300 123 2323
‘Flesh is merely a lesson. We learn it and pass on’ — Erica Jong
Follow on twitter @NHSOrganDonor and #spellitout
Support on Facebook at www.facebook.com/organdonationuk