I’ve fallen head over heels for this little fella.
And I’m not talking about either of my boys (that’s a given). I mean Octomoose, the reversible plush toy** by Swedish brand Vandis.
He’s part of a collection of 4 quirky figures with split personalities, one on either side.
There’s Octomoose (Octopus/Moose), Ghowl (Ghost/Owl), Mabbit (Man/Rabbit), Catophant (Cat/Elephant) and they’re brilliant for play acting or bedtime cuddles.
I think they’re all adorable although it wasn’t hard to pick our favourite — that Moose bears a certain family resemblance!
£19.99, available at www.nordickids.co.uk
**free sample
Oh my gosh, I LOVE these. They are certainly cool although writing ‘certainly’ before ‘cool’ really isn’t cool! x