I got the inspiration for doing this list via Luke, I Am Your Father’s blog. It was fun but surprisingly hard and I struggled to come up with something for Q – what I listed is way down on my faves compared with the others.
Of course some letters bring up loads of choices – did I really pick Grease over the Godfather 2 or Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Yes siree. Grease is probably the film I’ve watched and loved most since childhood. Ditto for 7 Brides over Scarface or Some Like it Hot.
Some films won for impact (see F, J and R), others for pure enjoyment factor (Z anyone?). I love movies in almost every genre and I think it shows through in this Film Alphabet.
Almost Famous
Breakfast Club (The)
Children of a Lesser God
Dangerous Liaisons
High Society
Incredibles (The)
Jesus of Montreal
Love Jones
Matrix (The)
North by Northwest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Pulp Fiction
Quiz Show
Rue Cases-Nègres
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Trading Places
Usual Suspects (The)
What about Bob?
X Men
You Can Count on Me
Read Luke I Am Your Father’s (one of my Hot Daddy Bloggers) list here:
Reel Alphabet Song
What’s on your A to Z of favourite films?
Love your list. Every time I read another, I find myself saying “I forgot about that one…”. Great that you have so many classics in there too.
Thanks it’s such a fun meme and to be honest, while I’m overtly pleased with my picks, my mind’s still haggling over certain letter choices!