One of the great tragedies of bringing up my babes in the UK in the ‘Noughties is the apparent lack of any access to Sesame Street on TV.
I grew up watching Big Bird, Kermit and the gang and even as an adult sometimes I just want to escape to that world of lovable muppets.
Sadly, we’re stuck with the Night Garden.
So you can imagine how much I love this Sesame Street band t-shirt sent to us by Fabric Flavours. It features Ernie as lead singer, Grover on drums and Cookie Monster rocking out on guitar.
When I put the shirt on Jed, aged 2, he gave himself a little squeeze and said ‘That’s cool, Mummy’. Here he is repping the Street along with some fetching 3D glasses (we were testing them out on his granddad’s TV) and a rather fine milk moustache.
Fabric Flavours designs branded t-shirts featuring all your favourite characters from Batman to the Gruffalo, Scooby Doo to Dennis the Menace.
Bruce Lee babygro? Kapow! Run DMC booties? It’s like that!
Now all they need is adult sizes and our whole family can be stylin’.
Sesame Street band t-shirt £16, available for ages 1-6
Check out Fabric Flavours online
We love Sesame Street and I even had my mother in law send us DVDs, an Elmo doll and I have been looking for Grover too. Little M would love this shirt – he has Elmo PJs when he hugs too. And yes, Jed looks absolutely rock and roll in that shirt and glasses. High five!
Hey Marathon mama, I need to buy more Sesame St vids for the kids, we only have Elmo. By the way, there’s a shop round here called After Noah that does really cute Sesame Street walking finger puppets if you’re ever after a gift.