When I received a last-minute submission for the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival around 1am last night, I didn’t as you might imagine purse my lips or, in true African/Caribbean style, suck my teeth in annoyance.
In fact, it made me laugh. Obviously this blogger knew that I’d be up until crazy o’clock trying to put the carnival together. Besides, her post was one I’d been expecting and it was worth the wait.
If you’re a first-time visitor to this blog, feel free to have a snoop around. If you like, you can join me on Facebook, Twitter, RSS or email (see above).
Then make yourself comfy and enjoy a diverse selection of posts loosely themed around Happiness. Some might make you smile, some might make you cry, some might make you throw up.
Ok, maybe not vomit. But you will feel something in your gut.
Today’s Carnival is a modern day fairytale of women following their bliss, of families living out their happily ever afters – all linked by a common love story: mum meets blog.
Happy reading!
NB: The photo above, taken two years ago, captures my own definition of happiness.
My very first entry, Maggie from the wonderful crafting blog Red Ted Art generously gave up her Carnival spot to guest blogger I Bake Without, who makes all sorts of goodies without additives (her son has a food allergy).
The text and photos for these Marmalade Ginger Cupcakes made me want to lick my screen, the way her gorgeous son is licking the bowl. Now that’s joy.
Seems like food is on the top of many happy lists. Crumbs shares a tasty sounding recipe for a roast in Something for Weekend Crowd Cooking. This lovely blog is written by two sisters who say that with young families by 7pm they, like the crumbs of their title, are on the floor!
Edspire’s list of Things to Be Happy About reads like poetry and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I wish I could relate to Smiling like Sunshine’s note Happiness Is where she writes about replacing her winter wardrobe with summer clothes only to find she’s lost a few pounds. Sadly for me, it’s quite the reverse. But I shall not wallow!
Moving pleasantly on…
I loved Circus Queen’s alternative pre-baby party in Not a Baby Shower. The menu made my mouth water (jerk chicken, oh yeah!) and I’m digging the colourful onesies hand-painted by her guests.
Is it wrong that Mommy’s Got a Headache’s Weekus Horribilis put a big grin on my face? Actually I was smiling in sisterhood. Mummy brain is real, people!
Street Smart Kids‘ post What was your Worst Purchase for Baby also had me chuckling. Remember all those pointless things you bought in the first flush of pregnancy? Wipe warmers, anybody?
The tantalising sounding Scandinavian Sojourn has a Close Encounter of the dirty kind to entertain you. Put your eyebrows down — we’re talking soot, not smut! Although if you fantasise about a man in uniform…
She’s new to blogging and when Perfectionist Mum found out my theme, we were practically hugging each other across cyberspace. You see, she’s a Happiness Coach and her posts on Happiness = Acceptance and her alter ego blog Talent for Living’s write-up on What Really Makes Us Happy are bang on target.
The title and header for Flower Fairies and Fairy Cakes is cheery enough, but reading I Remember When Mr Cartwright, a true story of beating the odds, put me in that ‘so happy I could weep’ place.
So by the time I got to Baby Baby’s Mother’s Day Came Early I was practically blubbering over my keyboard. Such a heartfelt post about the small stuff, refusing to sweat it and remembering to savour every blessing. Especially ones that come in super cute packages.
And for the ultimate throat lumpage, read Major Love of Film’s post simply titled Happiness. Just beautiful. The photo of her daughter is pure love.
I’m hardly Aretha, but I do love singing to my boys so Music for Baby’s post about Singing for Happiness hit the right notes. Did you know some people can get through surgery on song alone?
Lunchbox World’s post Happiness Is creates a loving collage of things that cheer her up. Take a look and make your own comparison list.
And imagine having your morning coffee with these Little Cups found by the treasure huntress extraordinaire at ebabeelikes? They would brighten your whole day.
Cue Coffee Curls and her Reasons why I Love You. It’s a poem that speaks from the heart and must have made its subject very happy indeed!
With a spot of trampoline (and mood!) hoovering, Cafe Bebe describes the perfect way to while away an afternoon in How to Spend a Sunday. Nothing beats family time. This one hit me like a group hug.
Leading nicely on to A Mother’s Rambling’s I Thank the Lord I’ve Been Blessed, a simple ode to the joy that family brings. No wonder she’s such an upbeat, smiley soul. Check out her entourage!
Diary of a Frugal Family’s Why We’re Lucky celebrates a list by her little boy that should have you nodding your head in appreciation. Kids really are the wisest in their own way.
Ever seen two combs dancing? Read 60 Inuit Makeover by Ellen over at In a Bun Dance and you’ll get the joke. Classic.
If you’re struggling with body image after birth, you’ll relate to Muddling Along Mummy’s Friday Rant Club this week. It might seem like an odd choice for a happiness carnival, but sometimes we just have to get stuff off our chests. There now. Don’t you feel better already?
And to round things off, Ellen’s post One in which Someone Wants Me To Write a Book detailing her inspirational hop, skip and leap from blogger to published author filled me with a sense of thrill. I hope it inspires you too.
The title of her book should explain why I’ve saved this one for last.
Thanks so much to all of you for submitting. You made this mama very happy indeed!
The next BMB Carnival on 26 April will be hosted at Playing by the Book. Please email entries to: zoe.toft@kuvik.net
Circus Queen
Thanks for including me in the Carnival. I can’t believe you were up that late putting this together. That in itself is rather Caribbean way of doing it, I feel compelled to say. This post was written so joyfully, I’m looking forward to going around and reading about everyone’s happiness.
LOL African timing…you know it! I really enjoyed your post and since I’ve got my sister-in-law’s baby shower coming up, might have to nab a few of your ideas ;-) Thanks for coming by.
Karin @ Cafe Bebe
What a wonderful carnival you have put together! Thanks so much for including 2 of my entries. You’re a star….very well done! ;)
Thank you so much for including me in the carnival. Can’t wait to read through all the other entries and soak up the happiness!
Hi Karin, thank you for the lovely feedback and of course your entries. I was only reading the carnival guidelines this morning and seems we might have bent the rules a little with two. But I figure anyone with the energy and multi-tasking skills to manage two blogs deserves both her spots!
Hi Jennie, you’re welcome. It was a pleasure reading your entry :-)
Hi there! Thanks so much for including our entry, it’s only our second and I always get nervous when scrolling through, seeing the results, have we been picked, ooh ooh, and then I see it, yes!
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for including my entry in the carnival. It was a great theme, really easy to write for. I’m really new to blogging and this is my first carnival. Its brilliant reading all the other entries to and I’m now going to go and visit all the blogs.
Hey Caroline, so glad you submitted. I’ve not done many carnivals myself so I do know that feeling. It’s been lots of fun being at the other end of things. I recommend it!
Hey Karen, well I’m thrilled to be your first hostess and glad you enjoyed the theme. I was hoping it would touch a nerve with contributors as well as readers :-)
Thanks so much for including me. You’ll be pleased to know I’m having a better week and have not accidentally overdosed on anything more lethal than Smarties!
Hi Emma, I’m so glad you sent that post in. Definitely cracked me up although as I said, I was laughing with you not at you ;-) And surely you can’t OD on chocolate? If so, I’m in trouble!
Ellen Arnison
Hi there, That’s a fantastic up-beat carnival. Just what I need on a rainy morning when I’ve got a huge pile of laundry and the mayhem of having lost my purse on the way home from a couple of days away. Thanks.
Hey Ellen, sorry to hear about your troubles (having a bit of one of those days myself) and glad the carnival’s cheered you up. Thanks for being a part of it!
Michelle Twin Mum
Wow what a fabulous carnival. Sad I missed this one!
Mich x
Aww thanks Michelle, there were so many great entries and your meme would have been perfect! Actually you just reminded me I wanted to submit something to Me the Man and the Baby’s next carnival – hope I’m not too late!