It’s World Book Day on Thursday and mums around the country are wringing their hands about the dress up as your favourite book character part.
Some of us haven’t had this kind of ‘what to wear’ dilemma since before we were preggers. Only now it’s our kids that need to get kitted out.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve left the costume choice until the last minute. My 5-year-old came home from school yesterday with his own suggestion.
‘Buzz Lightyear,’ he said. ‘I’m allowed to be him.’
Buzz Lightyear? That sounds like hard work. Why not Woody? Jeans, cowboy hat, neck scarf and you’re good to go.
‘But I like Buzz Lightyear better!’
I’m not even sure the Toy Story heroes really qualify as storybook characters. But if his schoolmates are going down that route, my boy might as well go as Batman. After all, he is a (comic) book legend and at least Ezra’s already got the outfit.
He’s also got a pretty cool pair of butterfly wings.
So he could turn up as the last page of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Pop on a headband with stick on antennae. Job done.
I can already hear Babe Daddy frowning in disapproval (yes, his frowns are audible). He’s never really been down with ‘our son, the butterfly’ – not even the rock star version.
Anyway, I don’t know why we should have to stress over costumes when Ezra’s already a dead ringer for Dennis the Menace. He’s even got the t-shirt to match.
When I mentioned the Beano icon, Ezra folded his arms.
‘What’s wrong with Dennis?’ I wondered. ‘You look like him already.’
‘But Dennis is soooo naughty!’
Oh, the irony.
Homemade Costume Ideas
Here are some last-minute World Book Day costume ideas that I’m toying with in case Ezra lets go of Buzz Lightyear. I like these because they’re easy enough to put together if you’re not handy with a sewing machine and you don’t have the time (or budget) for a supermarket/costume shop dash.
Where’s Wally (stripy top and hat, glasses)
Mr Bump (blue top and trousers, maybe blue face paint, lots of bandages)
The Tin Man from Wizard of Oz (cardboard and foil paper, maybe silver face paint)
Aslan/The Cowardly Lion (Ezra already owns a lion mane and tail accessories)
Old MacDonald (check shirt, roll-up jeans, straw hat and animal toys to cart around)
The Cat in the Hat (tall stripy cardboard hat, bow-tie, black top and trousers, maybe white gloves)
Christopher Robin (shorts, shirt and sneakers combo, Pooh Bear under his arm)
John from Peter Pan (long white adult shirt as nightgown, umbrella, glasses)
The Wardrobe from Lion, Witch and Wardrobe (put Ezra inside big cardboard box with drawn or stuck on door handles)
Harry & His Bucketful of Dinosaurs (plastic bucket filled with toy dinosaurs)
Angry Arthur (stripy t-shirt and shorts, Ezra’s natural scowl and maybe a crumpled paper globe or torn map of the world for effect)
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (scruffy clothes, painted cardboard for golden ticket and/or large chocolate bar wrapped in gold for Wonka bar)
Somehow I’m betting on Batman as first mentioned, although the chocolate bar might sway him.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Visit the web site for more about World Book Day and local events