Our pick of family-friendly events this month. We will update these listings through the month so do check back.
Natural History Museum Ice Rink, SE1 (Nov 5-Jan 9, 2011)
Fantastic Mr Fox, Little Angel Theatre, N1 (ends Nov 7)
London Children’s Film Festival, Barbican Centre, EC1 (ends Nov 7)
Okido Launch Party, Doodle Bar SW11 (Nov 6)
Institute of Play,V&A Museum of Childhood (Nov 6-March 2011)
Christmas Grotto at Harrods, SW1 (Nov 6-Dec 23)
Regent St Christmas Lights, W1 (Nov 9)
Schools Prom, Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (Nov 10-12)
Christmas in Covent Garden, WC2 (Nov 11-Jan 3)
Lord Mayor’s Show & Fireworks Display, SE1 (Nov 13)
Bling, V&A Museum of Childhood (ends Nov 14)
Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park, W2 (Nov 19-Jan 4, 2011)
London Eye Ice Rink, SE1 (Nov 20-Jan 5, 2011)
Somerset House Ice Rink, WC2 (Nov 23-Jan 23, 2011)
Crafty Kids at Little Angel Theatre, N1 (Oct 2-Nov 27)
Doll Face, V&A Museum of Childhood, E2 (Sep 3-Jan 2011)
The Railway Children, Waterloo Station (ends Sep 4)
Enchanted Palace at Kensington Palace (ongoing until Dec 2012)
Nelson’s Ship in Bottle by Yinka Shonibare at Trafalgar Square (ongoing until 2012)
Calendar Cutie
This month’s sweetie pie is Hannah, just 3 and a half months at the time of this photo. ‘She likes singing and to be sung to and her favourite ditty is Fishes in the Ocean,’ says mum, Emma.
Send in your favourite photos of your babes (ages 5 and under) for a chance to be our next Calendar Cutie and be entered into a prize draw! Email photos and a short description to editor@babesabouttown.com