We interrupt our scheduled programming of burning issues to focus on a smoking hot event happening this weekend in London.
CyberMummy, the UK’s first conference for parent bloggers (yup, CyberDaddies will be in attendance) is taking place this Saturday July 3 in Earl’s Court.
For those of us lucky enough to bag tickets, it will be the first chance to meet many of the voices we only know online, put faces and even names to some bloggers and generally chin-wag about this strange but beautiful pursuit.
As well as some of the big name bloggers and social media experts on the line-up, Cybermummy is serving up sessions on everything from privacy and PR, to boosting traffic (maybe even profit) for those of us who don’t know our SEOs from our elbows.
There’s promise of food and drink (included in the ticket price). Sadly there’s no childcare provision and no options really to bring kids older than babes in arms. A whole day sans enfants is probably a bonus for many, but it’s something the organisers might want to reconsider for future events.
As the big day creeps up on us, the networks are a-twitter with excitement and not a little jitters.
What should we wear? Will those of us who aren’t really part of the Brit mum blog ‘scene’ get to sit at the cool table? And what if we make complete fools of ourselves in front of all those ardent tweeps and photo bloggers just looking for material?
To calm our nerves a bit, Carly over at Mummy’s Shoes has set up a blog link-up so that some of us can get to know each other better and prepare for the face to face.
So allow me to introduce myself for the Cybermummy Meet & Greet:
Name: Uju
Blog: Babes about Town https://babesabouttown.com/
Twitter ID: @Babesabouttown.com
Height: 5ft 4 and a very important half
Hair: Dark brown, occasionally in braids
Eyes: Dark brown
Likes: Hanging with my boys, all types of movies (arthouse, action, chick flick), hoola hooping in the park, spicy food, trips back to Nigeria, creative writing, Gossip Girl, Arsenal, cupcakes, Pimm’s….
The photo below’s about a year old but it’s one of the few I have with both my boys and I look pretty much the same (minus the braids).
Looking forward to meeting you!
Hey Ella, me too. Exciting huh? Only 3 days to go (although somewhat confusingly it says 2 days on the blog!)
Blogging conferences are so much fun! Good luck and have a blast. Bet you’ll have plenty to write about following.
Don’t worry Uju, we can sit at the other cool table. You know, the one for those who aren’t really into the ‘scene’. Will be lovely to see you again!
Hey Dumb Mom, it really was a blast! Will let you know all about it later.
Hi Luschka, was so nice to see you and your gorgeous little princess (what a good girl!). What fun that was, I can still hardly take it all in. Chat soon x
Hi Uju, it was great to meet you at the conference – and I love your website. I have been nursing a hangover from too much carousing and a sore throat from too much chatting and laughing ever since, but it was definitely worth it!
Hi there Di, was fun to meet you too and thanks for the compliment. What an event! I’m still getting over it and about to post on it too :-)
I am desperate to still get a ticket somehow….I NEED TO GO… but don’t think I’ll get to :( Bummed….totally bummed. But Uju, have fun for me and give me all the grubby details! xx
Aww, that’s such a shame, would love to have you along as a giggle partner. Will be sure to keep you updated with all the behind the scenes action!