My little Jedidiah turns one today.
I look back in wonder at an action-packed year and also in some regret at the things I planned to do and never got around to.
Check 5 activities to do with your baby before his or her first birthday:
1. Go dancing
Nobody puts baby in the corner at dance club Latino Bambino where mama and her slinged-up partner learn silky salsa moves. There are classes for older tots, but it’s best to sign up when bubba’s small and light enough to cha cha without breaking your back.
2. Dive in
Water Babies are born not made, or so the theory goes. But tots who learn to paddle before they learn to walk at these specialised classes feel (and look) cooler at the pool and on the beach.
3. Catch a movie
Mums and dads with babies under one are welcome at many ‘parent and baby’ film screenings around town. The volume’s lowered, there’s stroller parking and nobody bats an eyelash if your fussy little critic voices his disdain (‘two lungs up’!).
4. Play dress up
Christmas, Easter, Halloween…no matter when your baby’s born there’s always a holiday or special event when you can put her in fancy dress. Chubby cheeks and thighs have never looked cuter than when squeezed into some ludicrous costume.
5. Keep a record
The first year flies past and before you know it that tiny baby is a toothsome toddler wrecking your living space. Today’s cybermamas capture every moment in words, photos and video with a blog or online baby journal like Totspot or Keepaboo.
Oh! Now I feel better about having been so home bound this week – we’ve done all but the waterbabies, but we’re on the waiting list, and Kyra’s only 4 months old! And Latino Bambino is def. one of my favourite activities!
You’re doing much better than me Luschka! I missed out on swimming with both my little ones at the crucial age, and now my pre-schooler is afraid of the pool (although daddy’s taken him swimming several times). Hoping things might work better with his bro once warmer weather comes around and I’m tempted to take a dip!